Tag Archives: history

 Just because the #hempweek is ending doesn’t mean the rediscovering and celebration needs to end as well. Being a contributor to Hemp History Week 2015  I offer this timeline of industrial hemp history * Download this free time-line of industrial hemp history and use it as a talking point, as a base to your research to verify if the information is accurate, as a reference to milestones and history of Industrial Hemp history of hemp timeline on RediscoverHemp 2015 pdf

With #hhw15  starting  this week ( June 1st) this a great time to Inspire hemp legalization with all the festivals and gatherings happening  summer. With both Colorado and Washington state legalizing  recreational cannabis , the Hemp discussion is now more prevalent and relevant. It is a real reality, a real option that many people have been advocating for decades and now those people with the help of the “new” advocates that are being found and created now will have a better, stronger chance of reintroducing Industrial Hemp to our farms, our industries, our lifestyle. To help Inform you I suggest you do some light reading about hemp and it’s varied history. This book: http://www.jackherer.com/thebook/ was a groundbreaking book in it’s day and it’s author Jack Herer is still revered as the godfather of hemp. Good, easy light reading. After you get sense of what hemp is, the benefits of hemp, some of the industrial uses of…

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From its mysterious origins and importance in colonial times thru today, this controversial plant’s roots run deep in America.     This showed aired for the 1st time last night and is available to watch anytime for free online at the link below.  The show will also be airing several more times this month, check out the website for the additional dates. 10 things you don’t know about hemp    

The legal “pot stores”  in Washington State open to the public today.  This is a historical moment that deserves mention. While I won’t be in the frenzy , it does feel so good seeing this “dream” come into actuality. Consume and enjoy safely….and don’t forget about Industrial Hemp…like that is the whole point of this site 😉 So read something, holla at me and ask a question about industrial hemp and why it is so damn good and important we incorporate back into our daily lives.  http://www.komonews.com/news/local/Lines-form-as-legal-marijuana-sales-start-in-Wash-state–266211771.html  

This is the book that started the cannabis hemp revolution. Jack wanted this information to be available to everyone, so he published the text of the book on the internet for free.  Though Jack Herer passed on from this life in 2010, his words, research, and influence continue to positively affect the hemp movement.

Don’t Just Smoke a Joint on 4/20 — Take Action Against Marijuana Prohibition By Bill Piper The movement to end cannabis prohibition is very broad, composed of people who love cannabis, people who hate cannabis, and people who don’t have strong feelings about cannabis use one way or the other. We all agree on one thing though – cannabis prohibition is doing more harm than good. It’s wasting taxpayer dollars and police resources, filling our jails and prisons with hundreds of thousands of nonviolent people, and increasing crime and violence in the same way alcohol Prohibition did. Police made more than 750,000 arrests for cannabis possession in 2008 alone. Those arrested were separated from their loved ones, branded criminals, denied jobs, and in many cases prohibited from accessing student loans, public housing and other public assistance. The war on cannabis won’t end, however, if everyone who supports reform stays silent.…

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“The Hemp Plant, Humankind’s Savior – 50,000 Uses and Counting”  Written By: Jeff Meints   The hemp plant was one of humankind’s first cultivated plants and there is quite a lot to educate oneself about this greatly historical plant. With the help of the hemp plant we, as a society could eliminate smog from current fuels, create a cleaner energy source that can replace nuclear power, remove radioactive waste from the soil, and eliminate smog from our skies in more industrialized areas. The hemp plant could assist in eliminating non-biodegradable plastics and cars by reintroducing Henry Ford’s 100 year old dream of building cars made from hemp with a plastic hemp car body that can withstand a blow 10 times as great as steel without denting, weighs 1 thousand pounds less than steel, hence improving gas mileage, can run on a vegetable oil based all natural hemp fuel, and has…

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