Hi. This website is a not for profit grassroots endeavor/effort/gift/passion/ contribution to the “organic ,green , eco-friendly lifestyle” movement currently impacting many regions of our world, being very prevalent in my region of the world, USA.
RediscoverHemp.com is my own ( MaryJanesGirl™ ) effort and the efforts of other industrial hemp advocates to help get out what we believe to be truthful information about Industrial Hemp. Many people across the the world currently are trying to solve our energy crisis and fuel problems. Many more are trying to learn new ways of living in harmony with earth, examples such as learning how to not pollute the oceans that results in us eating the fish from the polluted waters and by not cutting down all the major forest that are home to the trees that filter our air, the air we all breathe. There are many “bandwagons” to jump on right now if you are part of the “green” movement. One “bandwagon” that I think has been consistently, deliberately, and foolishly overlooked in the past even though USA in the past has encouraged hemp cultivation ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemp_for_Victory ) and finally now has a chance of gaining some momentum is Industrial Hemp. No, I am not referring to the stuff that cheech and chong are famous for, commonly known as marijuana in the states. I am speaking of Industrial Hemp, part of the cannabis sativa family but not the same as “marijuana” producing species. . .they are like cousins, not identical twins. One of the most important difference between the two plants is that the variety that produces industrial hemp has only trace amount of THC ( the active ingredient in cannabis that is responsible for the intoxicating effect ), not anything near enough to get anyone high from, no matter how hard they tried!
There are many reasons to legalize Industrial Hemp. Industrial Hemp can help supplement so many of our energy needs such as fuel and electricity, so many of our construction needs like wood and piping, our nutritional needs like omega 3 and protein, our everyday needs like paper, rope, and clothing.
I have been a fan of the benefits of industrial hemp production/farming for 16 years now. I came to realize the medicinal value in cannabis 14 years ago. I have always been vocal about the benefits of both species of the Cannabis Sativa plant, commonly and incorrectly referred to and known as Marijuana here in the states. After attending the 2006 annual Hempfest festival in Seattle, my interests and thoughts towards the prohibition of Hemp in America overtook me and I decided that I wanted and needed to do my part and play a role in the education and liberation on this misunderstood plant and invaluable resource for sustainability. In the media I have heard and read so many incorrect statements published regarding hemp & cannabis…so many blatant lies about what hemp is and all of it’s beneficial purposes. Maybe I thought , this is due to such a lack of informational pro-hemp sites and non-profits in America. Our media is very biased on the topic of hemp. I wondered why I never have heard one positive function of hemp on the news, magazines, in tv shows. . . when there are a multitude of benefits of industrial hemp! In April 2007 I bought a domain, set up a website and joined a local community activist group. Later that same year I volunteered at Hempfest for my 1st time and with NORML.
With the current state of our world environment right now ( global warming, up & down economy, polar melting, crop shortages, energy crisis, etc.) , Industrial Hemp seriously should be considered and we believe used again in the U.S ( it was a legal crop in USA till the late 1930’s) and worldwide to help alleviate some of the environmental and economic strain that is felt here in the states and world-wide.
This is where Rediscover Hemp™ originates from, hemp needs a voice, thousands of voices to inform our communities of options for a more organic sustainable world. RediscoverHemp.com the site and Rediscover Hemp™ the concept are about informing inspiring and involving…you will find news articles, essays, artwork, unique gifts, quotes, and random rants, raves & words about hemp and why it is an environmental friendly choice to keeping our earth sustainable.
“I believe it is time for us to sincerely look at other options of producing fuel, energy, fabric, paper, medicine, replenishing topsoil for food crops, making building materials, achieving optimal nutrition in diet, etc. In my research on this topic which has unofficially spanned from 2004 till now, Hemp seems to be the answer over and over again. Now I don’t believe it is a magic bullet and should replace every “bad” product out there, just that we should really start utilizing hemp again ( people have used to use hemp for thousands of years history shows) to help supplement and compensate some of the damage the other products have done, give farmers a crop they can depend on, offer the consumers more environment friendly products, allow people to treat/heal themselves if they are capable and choose to.”
We are enjoying working on and being a part of this movement and are eager to share our discoveries along our path with you.
Kind regards,