Category Archives: news

On June 19th this year, Canada became the 2nd country in the world to legalize cannabis for recreational use. Regarding industrial hemp in Canada, well that’s been legalized since 1998 but you still don’t hear much about it. I thought this would be a good time to mention Canada’s hemp industry and see how it how it has done in the last 20 years, These are just the basic stats from gov site, but a starting point to learn and perhaps get inspired to make it happen here in the states or wherever you call home.

#HHW18 Hemp History Week 2018  is officially here  and this a great time to Inspire hemp legalization with all the festivals and gatherings happening  summer. With several states now  legalizing cannabis , the Industrial Hemp discussion is now more prevalent and relevant. It is a real reality, a real option that many people have been advocating for decades and now those people with the help of the “new” advocates that are being found and created now will have a better, stronger chance of reintroducing Industrial Hemp to our farms, our industries, our lifestyle. To help Inform you I suggest you do some light reading about hemp and it’s varied history. This book: was a groundbreaking book in it’s day and it’s author Jack Herer is still revered as the godfather of hemp. Good, easy light reading. After you get sense of what hemp is, the benefits of hemp, some of the industrial uses of the…

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Industrial Hemp use has been around for thousands of years, in varied forms.  In my opinion, we should still be using #hemp today industrially, it’s reliable, affordable and sustainable. #RediscoverHemp     Hemp Helped Preserve Ancient Sites in India

The legal “pot stores”  in Washington State open to the public today.  This is a historical moment that deserves mention. While I won’t be in the frenzy , it does feel so good seeing this “dream” come into actuality. Consume and enjoy safely….and don’t forget about Industrial Hemp…like that is the whole point of this site 😉 So read something, holla at me and ask a question about industrial hemp and why it is so damn good and important we incorporate back into our daily lives.–266211771.html  

Yesterday, Feb 17th, 2014, the Washington State House voted unanimously to approve HB1888, the Hemp Freedom Act. The vote was 97-0. Sponsored by Representative Matt Shea (R), along with Christopher Hurst (D), Cary Condotta (R), Jeff Holy (R), David Taylor (R) and Jason Overstreet (R), the Hemp Freedom Act would “permit the development in Washington of an industrial hemp industry,” effectively nullifying the de facto federal prohibition on the farming and production of hemp crops within the United States. House Bill 1888 received unanimous support in the House and now heads to the Senate. The measure authorizes the director of the Department of Agriculture to issue licenses to grow industrial hemp. The department would be designated as the sole source and supplier of seeds used for industrial-hemp production. Hemp is used to make a variety of different products, including clothing, food, beauty products and biofuels. Introduced in February 2013, HB1888…

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The recreational marijuana use now legal in Washington, state legislators are eyeing whether the state should also allow an industrial hemp industry.

Hemp, like marijuana, comes from the cannabis plant but has much less THC, the active ingredient in marijuana that makes people high. The hemp plant has thousands of industrial uses and could provide a new cash crop for farmers.

The state Senate is considering a bill that would authorize Washington State University to study the feasibility and possible value of an industrial hemp industry in Washington.

“We have a long tradition of hemp usage on our country,” said State Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle, a sponsor of the bill. “The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.”

The federal government outlawed hemp decades ago as part of its efforts to stop marijuana production and use, Kohl-Welles said.

Several people spoke in support of the bill at a recent hearing by the Senate Agriculture, Water and Rural Economic Development committee.

Aimee Warner, a member of the Washington Hemp Industry Association, said the crop would grow well in the state’s climate.

“Our farmers are ready to, and need to, start putting industrial hemp seeds into the ground immediately,” Warner said. “There is an irrational fear of this historically persecuted crop.”

Chris Mulick, a lobbyist for Washington State University, said the college is “eager to help the state understand the viability and profitability of growing industrial hemp.”

But he warned the university must comply with U.S. laws in order to keep receiving federal research funds and student aid dollars.

Mark Streuli of the state Department of Agriculture said that agency also supports hemp cultivation.

“We think if there’s a prospect of a crop out there that enhances the viability of agriculture in Washington state, we support that,” Streuli said.

There is no organized opposition to the hemp study bill, which passed the committee and was sent to the Ways and Means Committee.


The Associated Press

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Hemp Going Legit; Some Wonder If Pot Is Far Behind

The federal government is ready to let farmers grow cannabis — at least the kind that can’t get people high.

Hemp — marijuana’s non-intoxicating cousin that’s used to make everything from clothing to cooking oil — could soon be cultivated in 10 states under a federal farm bill agreement reached late Monday. read article :

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Happy legal cannabis day, the 1st anniversary of legal cannabis in wa state. If you’re in Seattle  today and into cannabis you might be interested in this. I won’t be there, but you might just find it interesting cyber world, so here it is.  Be Safe

  SEATTLE, WA — For three days in August, hundreds of thousands of people will descend on Myrtle Edwards and Centennial Parks on Seattle’s waterfront for the 22nd annual Hempfest, traditionally the largest annual gathering of pro-cannabis supporters in the world. But following last year’s historic passage of Initiative 502, which legalized the adult possession of marijuana in the state, this year’s Hempfest promises one thing that the previous 21 did not: a victory celebration. What started out as a “humble gathering of stoners” in 1991, conceived during a peace vigil in opposition of the first Gulf War and attracting a crowd of about 500 people, has grown to a world-renowned 3 day “protestival” celebrating human rights, equality, freedom, and of course, cannabis. Spanning 1.3 miles, two public parks, six stages, and more than 300 vendors and being staffed by over 1,000 volunteers, Hempfest isn’t just the largest annual pro-pot…

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  U.S. Representative Massie Introduces Industrial Hemp Bill Wednesday February 6, 2013 “Industrial hemp is a sustainable crop and could be a great economic opportunity for Kentucky farmers” WASHINGTON – Today, Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced federal legislation that requires the federal government to respect state laws allowing the growing of industrial hemp. H.R. 525, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2013, amends the Controlled Substances Act to exclude industrial hemp from the definition of marijuana. Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) is a co-sponsor of the bill in the U.S. House. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) are supporting a similar bill in the U.S. Senate. “Industrial hemp is a sustainable crop and could be a great economic opportunity for Kentucky farmers,” said Rep. Massie.  “My wife and I are raising our children on the tobacco and cattle farm where my wife grew up. Tobacco is no…

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